"Tlou - The Elephant Story"
Discover the mythological origins of the elephant of the Okavango Delta. Follow the plight of the young, nursing mother Tlou who is transformed into the largest land mammal by taking a small step.
Learn more about the elephant through puzzles and cultural beliefs included in the book.
Tlou - the elephant story
Books written and published by Bonty:
Click on the book image for info on that book.
"Patterns in the Sky"
Accompany Teko on his challenging path to manhood. Explore the origins of Botswana’s famous basket patterns as they guide Teko to victory. Learn about basket uses, their origins and about Sangurungusa the Bayei legendary giant. Engage in cultural games, fun activities and facts about baskets.
"The Seed Children"
Mythological story about the trees of Botswana.
Join Peo, a friend of shrubs and trees as she strives to conserve Botswana’s Flora in the forest of Shorobe. Unearth fascinating superstitions, medicinal and traditional uses of shrubs and trees in Botswana. The next time you give a gift, give a tree!
"The Two Kingdoms" - book will be published in October 2009
Twin princesses of a Tswana King grow into bitter rivals as they compete for the throne. Learn cultural beliefs about the significance of a rainbow, names, qualities required in a king, and how Lesedi - Light, and Lefifi - Darkness, become night and day.
"Botswana's Mythical Snakes" - book will be published in 2009
Slither to different parts of Botswana and learn about aquatic, montane, arboreal and terrain mythical snakes and individual traits!